Monday, April 11, 2016

Let's Discuss: Clean Racing

Racing is a great sport and hobby. Unlike other sports where penalties can be assessed almost instantly and where rough play can be more easily dealt with, in racing drivers must trust each other in order for the sport to reach its competitive height, and while penalties are assessed they often do not fully make up for the wrong a racer has suffered. This inability to fully rectify the wrong, through no fault of the officials, can lead to grudges and escalation, which is an uncalled for but unfortunate reality that racers and officials must be aware of. Penalties are a necessary part of the sport but they are a last resort. 

Ultimately, what is best for each racer and the sport as a whole is for there to be great respect and trust between racers. When this respect and trust is present, racing is an incredible competitive art form! For real racers this is what makes racing such a great sport! 

F100 has this type of racing at every event but F100 is not content with just having this type of racing happen, F100 wants to continue to push for this type of racing to become the norm in this great sport so that everyone can see how fair, accessible and competitive kart racing truly is! 

In order to continue to foster the development of this fair and ultra competitive style of racing, F100 has put together the following video which contains a brief overview of the rules that will be enforced at F100 events as well as the driving style that F100 expects.