Another excellent turnout of racers took to the track for a great day of ultra-competitive, fun, fair and affordable racing at the first F100 race of the 2017 season, held on Saturday, March 25th, 2017 at Willow Springs Kart Track in Rosamond, CA. F100 would like to thank all of our loyal racers and staff for spending a great day at the track with us! F100 would also like to thank all the racers who raced in the Shifter Kart Championship and Formula 206 classes. We look forward to continued growth in these classes.
Results, photos and updated points standings are now available. Check out all the info at the links below:
Updated points standings are now available, please see the following link:
PLEASE NOTE, updated points standings should be available the day after all the SoCal Championship events at the above link. Please feel free to check the points standings at the link above the day after event for an up to date version.
Please also note, if there are any mistakes in the points standings they are unintentional. We apologize for any misspellings and/or any calculation errors. Please contact F100 to discuss if you believe a mistake has been made.
Results from the event are available at the following link:
Photos from the event are available at the following links: apps/photos/album?albumid= 16067856
Bring-a-friend Discount Motorsportreg account credit request form: bh5AUOl2
First-time Racer Discount Motorsportreg account credit request form: h8ybJRa2
Bring-a-friend Discount Motorsportreg account credit request form:
First-time Racer Discount Motorsportreg account credit request form:
Round #2, is Saturday, April 29th at Adams Motorsports Park! Stay tuned for more info!