With the first race of the F100, F206 and SKC season approaching, we thought it would be a good idea to have a quick refresher on the meaning of the most commonly used racing flags at kart racing events. Please see below for flag meanings:
Meaning of Each Flag*
A race is under way the instant the green flag is displayed. This flag shall normally be in possession of the Starter only, and shall not ordinarily be displayed at the flag stations around the course. When displayed, the green flag indicates that the course is clear.
WAVED — Take care, Danger, Slow Down, NO PASSING FROM THE FLAG until past emergency area.
WAVED OR STANDING AT ALL STATIONS — Great Danger, Slow Down, be prepared to stop — NO PASSING. Re-grid single file in current order for restart.
NOTE: A driver may encounter several flags before reaching the emergency area. The requirements are still the same “SLOW DOWN, NO PASSING.”
Another competitor is following you very closely or is trying to overtake you. This flag may be displayed standing or waving, depending upon the speed with which you are being overtaken.
Caution – you are approaching a slow moving race car (e.g., with mechanical trouble), ambulance, or other emergency vehicle on the racing surface. Take care. This flag shall be shown standing for two (2) flag stations prior to the vehicle. A standing white flag shall also be displayed during the first lap of a practice or qualifying session to indicate the location of the flagging stations.
CLOSED BLACK FLAG (Furled) Pointed or shaken at an individual car from the Starter’s stand (optionally, accompanied by a number board indicating the car number): WARNING! You have been observed driving in an unsafe and/or improper manner. If the action continues, you shall be given an OPEN BLACK FLAG.
OPEN BLACK FLAG – Displayed from the Starter’s stand: Proceed directly to the pits and the location designated by the Chief Steward or event Supplementary Regulations for consultation with Officials. DO NOT TAKE ANOTHER LAP.
You have finished the race (or practice/qualifying session). Continue cautiously to the pits.
Displayed at each station and on the Starter’s stand – EXTREME DANGER – THE SESSION HAS BEEN STOPPED. Come to an immediate, controlled stop at the side of the race track (indicated by an official at that location or as specified in the event Supplementary Regulations). When released by an Official, proceed cautiously to the pits.
* Almost everything listed here is taken directly from the SCCA Rulebook, specifically SCCA Rule 6.11.2. The SCCA Rulebook, while not utilized for kart racing, provides excellent definitions for these flags applicable to all forms of motorsports.